Three of Swords (Reversed)

two dreams over
by Jessica Reisman

last night I dreamed you called me
to say you were on a bus
going to a movie

in the dream, I knew you were gone
so when I got the phone call —
in a car, on a highway, with
your other daughter —
I realized I had forgotten, for a moment, for
a few, that you had left

what bus, two dreams over,
are you riding now?

I hope the view is beautiful
and the ride is smooth

Jessica Reisman (she/her)’s stories have appeared in a wide variety of magazines and anthologies. She’s had two novels published and her first collection of short stories, The Arcana of Maps, came out in 2019. She dropped out of high school but has a master’s degree, grew up on the east coast of the U.S., was a teenager on the west coast, and has been a writer, animal lover, devoted reader, and movie aficionado since she was a wee child.