Three of Pentacles

flock of oracles
by Christopher Mark Rose

primaries and secondaries
pennacious and vaned
a cloud,
    an aching anagram racing
quicksilver clotted with glee
none alone knew the answer
but I, with the luck of a birdbath
found up there brother, sister, oracle
          on high
in murmuration, we scud skittish
sea change ensapphired by sky

Christopher Mark Rose (he/him) is a husband and father, an electrical engineer for NASA spacecraft, and in his spare time, a writer of speculative fictions. He is a founder for the Charm City Spec reading series. Recent works have appeared in Interzone, Escape Pod, and forthcoming in the forthcoming anthology PHILOSOPHY THROUGH SCIENCE FICTION (Bloomsbury, 2020). He hopes his stories are affecting, humane, and concerned with large questions.