Ten of Pentacles (Reversed)

Apis dorsata
by Sara Wilson

These hives hang like bats dreaming,
honey in their cells 
and hollow wax bones,
the broody combs, breasts 
wrapped in wings, cloaked
by a shimmer of one hundred 
thousand bees.

Did you notice?
It is always above the drifting tigers 
they roost,

their migration paused in this breath
between monsoons
and the cast and prowl 
towards other raw blooms.

Sara Wilson (she/her) is a graduate of Vancouver Island University with a BA in Creative Writing. Her poetry has appeared in various publications including Dinosaur Porn, White Stag, Zoomorphic, NōD, Event, Ottawa Arts Review, and microtext2. She is a Red Seal Sheet Metal Journeyman, a terrible crossfitter, and was once a novice cellist.