XIV. Temperance

Running with EMT Shears
by Anna Kahn

poor bondage technique/built for pleasure
      is a menace/laughter ringing
      haven’t you heard/across the cross
   of your radial nerve/tissue
        you’ll need it/cuffs
         for years/boy shaking
       I’m worried/with the strain
 for your wrists, the risk/of wanting
        of ignoring/to impress
     basic protocol/that smile, that waist.

Anna Kahn (she/her) is a Barbican Young Poet and a London Library Emerging Writer. She has gigged a lot. Her work has been published in journals (The Rialto, The London Magazine, The Rumpus) and anthologies (Why Poetry: The Lunar Poetry Podcasts Anthology, The Dizziness of Freedom, Alter Egos). By day she does something inexplicable in tech.