II. The Oracle

reclaiming our prophecies
by Avra Margariti

she, the seer of all things,
climbs down from her gilded throne
& tears off her adorned regalia,

too heavy for atlas to hold,
for jesus to carry up golgotha.

no more abstinence & absinthe,
no more bay leaves & baying at the moon,
no more pure hands & purer prophecies.

the priestess reclaims her dreams & flowers
to ruin or gift as she sees fit.

she giggles,
becoming the girl-self she was denied.

Avra Margariti (she/her) is a queer Social Work undergrad from Greece. She enjoys storytelling in all its forms and writes about diverse identities and experiences. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in SmokeLong Quarterly, Argot Magazine, The Arcanist, and other venues.