Ace of Pentacles (Reversed)

Auto/Erotic Accountability
by Christine H. Tran

Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand spanks hard
enough to leave mark(et)s. In self-defence,
we #GirlBoss business grads into
accessorizing like Engineers. A ring
fashioned from fallen Bitcoin mines
to crush his extended joints
before they (com)pound your interest.
In lieu of forgery, we propose
you ring out & fling out
his septum piercing backwards
into the overcooked crypto-
currency servers. Studs like that
liquify the hearts & skins
of our coolest (ad)venture c(r)apitalists
Your student loans, (un)fortunately,
survive him; inflammable &
intact as the hymen of
a Libertarian Imaginary.

Christine H. Tran (they/she) is a Viet-Canadian poet, a PhD student, and in pain. They should be working on their doctoral research about women and girls’ labour in the video game streaming industry. She has written for cool places like The Temz Review, untethered, Half a Grapefruit, Train, and more. Christine lives in Toronto, where they take homework to bicycle bars.